[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: Feb. 2012

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 16 11:36:23 EST 2012


*Meeting Notes from February 13, 2012*

We tackled a grand variety of topics at this Monday's meeting, from an MIT Editor's attempt to give away two equiangulators (! most of us didn't know what these were) to a cool way to meet MIT folks with international connections.

*Charm School on CBS*

Editor Eve Sullivan of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science told us about CBS Sunday Morning's recent visit to campus to film a story about Charm School (http://studentlife.mit.edu/sao/charm). Eve, who has been involved in Charm School for years and teaches one of its classes (How to Tell Somebody Something They'd Rather Not Hear) was interviewed for the piece, which she expects will air on a coming....Sunday (no date yet).

*Newsletter Distribution*

I'm going to garble this, but here goes: Denise Brehm of civil and environmental engineering brought up the different systems you can use to distribute email newsletters. There are at least three: Constant Contact, Kintera, and iModules. Denise notes that if you are hoping to include MIT alums in your mailing, using iModules can save some steps (as opposed to the other two).

Because that's the limit of my notes on this subject, I did a quick MIT google search to see if I could direct you to a good resource for this topic. And, ironically, I found a member of this club! Stephanie Hatch is the Social Media and Email Marketing Specialist for MIT Communication Productions Services. And, according to the following story, she can help you navigate different email distribution technologies: <http://ist.mit.edu/news/CPS_socialmedia_specialist>. (By the way, the story itself is written by another member of our club, Robyn Fizz of Information Services and Technology. MIT Editors are E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.)

*Social Media Tip*

Someone brought up the following tip from Stephanie Hatch (see above) for populating your social-media sites on slow news days: simply post a service or some other cool fact that's on your web site, but buried. For example, a twitter feed for MIT Spectrvm (the newsletter my office produces) might include a link to a weighted list of the leading article topics on the MIT Spectrum website (see http://spectrum.mit.edu/ontopic/). (Editor's Note: Brava to Stephanie for making it into these minutes TWICE, and she wasn't even at the meeting!)

*Meeting Internationals*

For those interested in practicing their skills in another language, or if you'd simply like to meet new members of the MIT community who speak another language, check out the Language Conversation Exchange through MIT Medical: <http://lce.scripts.mit.edu/about.php>.

*Video Contests*

Emily Ranken told us about the recent video contest hosted by Environment, Health, and Safety. For more on the contest rules, go to: <http://ehs.mit.edu/site/content/shop-safety-video-contest>. The winning videos are at:

Mediated Matter:
Team Victory:
MIT Medical will also be holding a video contest, for the GetFit program. For more about either of these contests, contact Emily (emranken at mit.edu) or Lisa (damt at MED.MIT.EDU).

*Those Equiangulators....*

An equiangulator is a navigational tool used during WWII, and Editor Debbie Levey has (had) two of them to give away. Debbie, of civil and environmental engineering (CEE), was given the equiangulators by a CEE lab manager who found them during a lab cleanup (I think). Anyway, although the MIT Museum couldn't take them, they suggested writing to the WWII Museum in New Orleans, and voila: one of the equiangulators has found a new home. Debbie is still waiting to hear back from the Smithsonian.

*Thank you!*

Many thanks to Denise Brehm of CEE for hosting this meeting, which was smack dab in the middle of campus (Building 1).

*Next Meetings*

The next meetings of MIT Editors' Club, which are always from 12-1 but in different locations around campus, are as follows:

Tuesday, March 13
4-303 (Physics)

NOTE: A special guest speaker will join us for part of the March meeting. Rich Murphy, web services manager for Information Services and Technology (IS&T), will give a brief demo/overview of IS&T's redesigned website and how it incorporates responsive design.

Wednesday, April 18
W98-302 (Resource Development)

Friday, May 18
46-3015 (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)

Monday, June 11
66-360 (Chemical Engineering)


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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