[Editors] A couple of graphic designer recommendations

Lisa Damtoft damt at med.mit.edu
Thu Aug 30 15:10:38 EDT 2012

Just thought I would recommend a couple of designers:

*         Elissa Traher of Traher Design: http://www.traherdesign.com/

She does lovely work and is a huge delight to work with. She has a great conceptual sense as well as being very creative, so if you're early in your project, you'll get extra help crafting your message/medium.

*         Carol Daly:  http://carmada.carbonmade.com

I actually haven't used her, but I fully respect the person who recommended her, and thought her portfolio looked good, so thought I'd pass her information along.

Lisa Damtoft
Webmaster and Web Designer
MIT Medical
77 Massachusetts Ave., Room E23-495
Cambridge, MA 02139
Twitter: @MITmedical

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