[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, Sept. 2011

Robyn Fizz fizz at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 26 12:29:34 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

Here's a link to a recent article on cell phone discounts for the MIT community, which I wrote after our "discounts" discussion at the last Editors meeting: 


Also, in response to your suggestion that the cell phone discounts be posted on the MITAC page, I contacted Catelin Matos in Procurement. She in turn pointed me to Scott Rolph of VPF, who is now in touch with Diane Tavitian of MITAC. Hopefully, a posting will be approved soon.


On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Elizabeth A Thomson wrote:

> *Meeting Notes from September 15, 2011*
> *MIT Employee Discounts*
> Earlier this year someone in our club mentioned a cool thing that has absolutely nothing to do with writing, editing or communications: if you're an MIT employee, you can get a 10 percent discount on a Ford. Not wishing to spread incorrect information, over the summer I looked into this tidbit, and found that it is indeed true. I also discovered that we can get a similar discount through GM!  (Go to the MIT Activities Committee page for "movies, museum, & other discounts" at <http://web.mit.edu/mitac/mmo.html>.)
> After I reported this, the hands went up. Seems that there are many other cool discounts available to MIT employees. Among them:
> --10-40 percent off BOSE products (you have to phone them first at the number on the MITAC page; see above site).
> --15-23 percent off your personal Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile bills. These discounts are through Information Services & Technology; go to <https://ist.mit.edu/services/telephony/cellphone-discount>.
> *Update on the Publishing Services Bureau*
> Bara Blender of the Publishing Services Bureau gave us an update on the PSB, which is closing after 14 years as part of a restructuring. A note to this end went out earlier this month from Kirk Kolenbrander of the Office of the President, but apparently some of those at this meeting didn't see it. 
> According to Kirk's note, "The PSB staff with whom you are currently working will continue to assist you with your active projects.  As you identify new projects that will require support, I encourage you to contact Bara Blender (bblender at mit.edu, 258-9367), Interim Team Lead of PSB.  Bara will assess PSB’s capacity to assist during this time of transition, and, as appropriate, will identify the PSB advisor to serve as your liaison for the project."
> For a copy of Kirk's complete message or if you have any questions, please contact Bara at the email or phone number above.
> *Web Site Redesign*
> Patsy Sampson of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science reports that she is working toward a complete redesign of the department's web site, the oldest at MIT (it went up in 1994). She's working closely with Chad Galts, director of communications at the School of Engineering, to see if they can leverage the process to help other SOE (and perhaps other) departments around MIT. For example, they are looking at functions that could also be used on other departments' web sites. For more information, contact Patsy at patsys at MIT.EDU, 253-4642.
> *Online Tutorials*
> Someone brought up frustrations with In Design, to which someone else suggested Lynda.com. We've discussed this site before, but it's well worth re-mentioning. It's packed with tutorials about techie communications stuff ranging from web design to iPhoto. And, it's free for MIT employees. Simply go to:
> http://ist.mit.edu/services/training/lynda
> Apparently you can actually search for specific topics within a given tutorial, which can help solve problems like those encountered with In Design.
> *Media Lab Q&A*
> The Media Lab has a new director--Joichi Ito. Check out an interview with Ito by Scott Campbell, director of communications at the School of Architecture and Planning (where the Media Lab is based), at <http://sap.mit.edu/resources/portfolio/ito/>. (Be sure to check out Image 2 of Ito feeding a shark!)
> *Thank You!*
> Many thanks to the MIT Energy Initiative and the MIT Editors' Club members there who hosted this meeting.
> *Next Meetings*
> The next meetings of MIT Editors' Club, which are always from 12-1 but in different locations around campus, are as follows:
> Tuesday, October 18
> NW17-218, 175 Albany St. (Plasma Science and Fusion Center)
> Wednesday, November 9
> W98-302 (Resource Development)
> Monday, December 5
> 66-360 (Chemical Engineering)
> Cheers,
> Elizabeth
> =========================
> Elizabeth A. Thomson
> Associate Director of Communications
> MIT Resource Development
> Office of Communications
> 600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
> 617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
> <thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu
> =========================
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Robyn Fizz
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