[Editors] Advanced Manufacturing & Other Great Ideas
Said and Done | MIT SHASS
hiestand at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 14 10:26:59 EDT 2011
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_Highlights from Said and Done _| September 2011 Edition
[4]Complete Edition Online
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"We’re seeing a wave of new technologies in energy, biotechnology,
where there has to be a closer integration between research, development,
product definition and production.”
— _Suzanne Berger, MIT Professor of Political Science,_
_on American companies bringing industrial processes back to America _
_Audio Slidehow_
_The Kuna Celebrations | Photographs and Narration by James Howe _
James Howe, MIT Professor of Anthropology, has spent more than forty years
working and collaborating with the Kuna, an indigenous people of Panama. In
this audio slide show, Howe tells the story of how a Kuna village prepares
for and conducts a great communal celebration, an event that can last up to
four days, and embodies the Kuna's important values, beliefs, and ways of
[5]View audio slide show
5. http://shass.mit.edu/multimedia/video-2011-collaborations-kuna?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
kuna exhibit kuna-man
_Does America need manufacturing?_
For several decades, many American companies found that "offshoring" their
industrial work could raise profits. But now the situation has changed. In a
NYT's article, MIT Professor of Political Science Suzanne Berger says "We’re
seeing a wave of new technologies in energy, biotechnology, batteries, where
there has to be a closer integration between research, development, design,
product definition and production.”
[6]Article in The New York Times | [7]MIT PIE
6. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/28/magazine/does-america-need-manufacturing.html?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
7. http://mit.edu/pie/about/index.html?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
mit-pie Suzanne Berger mit-pie
_Wheaton proposes a mortgage fix for U.S. lenders and homeowners: shared
Bill Wheaton, MIT Professor of Economics, and Kenneth Rogoff, of Harvard
University, suggest that the "government facilitate mortgage write-downs in
exchange for claims on a percentage of future appreciation–potentially
making it a win not only for homeowners who owe more on their homes than
their properties are worth, but also a win for lenders and investors who
would eventually be repaid for giving borrowers a break."
[8]Read how it could work in Fortune Finance
8. http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/09/01/a-mortgage-fix-for-lenders-and-homeowners-shared-equity?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Meeting the world's great challenges_
Research is the engine for the School's capacity to help meet the world's
great challenges. To name just a few areas of impact, the School's research
helps alleviate poverty, safeguard elections, steer economies, understand
the past and present, improve health policy, articulate morality, plan space
policy, assess the impact of new technologies, understand human language,
advance musicology, and create new forms at the juncture of art and science.
[9]Research Portfolio
9. http://shass.mit.edu/research?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Lépinay book gives an insider view of investment banking _
In _Codes of Finance_, Vincent Lépinay, MIT Assistant Professor in Science,
Technology and Society, gives an insider account of investment banking, and
the high-risk trades that can spin out of control. A call for reshaping
financial innovation. “It’s an excellent book,” says William Maurer, chair
of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California at Irvine.
“There are few people who’ve had the kind of access he was able to secure,
at the moment of formation of a financial instrument that was central to the
meltdown in 2008.”
[10]Story by Peter Dizikes at MIT News
10. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/codes-of-finance-0906.html?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
The research of MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
appears principally in the form of books and publications, as well as music
and theater productions. These gems of the School provide new knowledge and
analysis, innovation and insight, guidance for policy, and nourishment for
[11]Take a look
11. http://shass.mit.edu/bookshelf?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
Vincent Lepinay codes of finance financial chart
_New Faculty_
The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences is pleased to present
the newest members of the faculty. A warm welcome to these superb scholars:
Sasha Costanza-Chock, CMS; Lerna Ekmekcioglu, History; Hiromu Nagahara,
History; Lucas Stanczyk, Political Science; Teppei Yamamoto, Political
[12]Bio notes and photographs
12. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-new-faculty-fall-2011?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Mellon Fellows for 2011-2013_
With the generous support of the Mellon Foundation, the School awards two
fellowships each year to promising young scholars working at the
intersection of humanities disciplines, or between humanities and other
disciplines. We are delighted to welcome two new Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows
for 2011-2013—Hye Jean Chung and Gretchen Henderson—and to welcome back the
Mellon Fellows for 2010-2012, Chuong-Dai Vo and Amaranth Borsuk.
[13]Bio notes and photographs
13. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-new-mellon-postdoctoral-fellows-join-community?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Ugandan human rights journalist joins the Center for International Studies_
Jackee Budesta Batanda, a Ugandan human rights journalist who has reported
on the vicious acid attacks of women as "revenge crimes" and the targeted
murders of albinos, has been selected as the 2011-2012 Elizabeth Neuffer
Fellow. The award is offered through the International Women's Media
Foundation and is sponsored in part by the Center for International Studies
at MIT.
[14]Full story
14. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/ugandan-journalist-cis.html?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
Henderson Chung Batanda
_MIT Political Science Distinguished Speaker Series_
Thursday, September 15, 3pm | Wong Auditorium (E51-115) | Co-hosted by
Political Science Department and the Production in the Innovative Economy
(PIE) group. Several leading MIT faculty will review a series of
manufacturing topics, after which Ron Bloom, former Senior Counselor to the
President, will speak. Nobel laureate and MIT economist Robert Solow will
lead a short closing discussion.
[15]Full schedule and more information
15. http://web.mit.edu/polisci/news/dss.bloom.shtml?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Chomsky talk launches year two of the Ideas Matter Forum Series_
September 22, 4:30-6pm, MIT Tang Center
Noam Chomsky will discuss “The Responsibility of Intellectuals,” revisiting
the controversial topic he first addressed in 1967. The Ideas Matter lecture
series is a joint project of Boston Review and the MIT Political Science
16. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-chomsky-talk-launches-second-year-boston-review-ideas-matter-series?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
_Robert A. Muh Alumni Award Lecture in the Humanities, Arts, and Social
Wednesday, October 26, 5pm | Public lecture followed by public reception |
Bartos Theater, 20 Ames Street, Building E15
Dr. Joseph E. Aoun, PhD ' 82 Linguistics, and President, Northeastern
University has received the 2011 Muh Alumni Award, and will give a lecture
entitled "The Future of American Higher Education in the Global Knowledge
17. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-joseph-aoun-receives-2011-muh-alumni-award?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
Muh Poster Aoun Muh Poster
_Video: The Perfect Oyster _
A great short piece about restoring natural oyster reefs in coastal
waters—and why that matters for healthy oceans. Produced by talented
students in the School's Graduate Program in Science Writing.
[18]Watch Video
18. http://sciwrite.mit.edu/media-gallery?item_id=23&utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
[19]The daily answer to what's happening
19. http://shass.mit.edu/calendar?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
[20]Welcome to our social media community
20. http://www.facebook.com/MIT.SHASS?utm_source=Soundings+%7C+Fall+2011&utm_campaign=109f2c973d-Said_and_Done_September_20119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
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MIT School of Humanities,
Arts, and Social Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
4-212 | 4-240
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617-253-3450
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