[Editors] Atlantic blogger/editor coming to MIT
Elizabeth A Thomson
thomson at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 10 10:22:25 EST 2011
FYI....looks pretty interesting!
Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu<mailto:thomson at mit.edu>>, giving.mit.edu<http://giving.mit.edu>
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Chris Peterson @ MIT" <chris.peterson at MIT.EDU<mailto:chris.peterson at MIT.EDU>>
Date: November 9, 2011 5:47:06 PM EST
To: "social-media at mit.edu<mailto:social-media at mit.edu>" <social-media at mit.edu<mailto:social-media at mit.edu>>
Cc: "admitpubteam at mit.edu<mailto:admitpubteam at mit.edu>" <admitpubteam at mit.edu<mailto:admitpubteam at mit.edu>>
Subject: Fwd: Ta-Nehisi Coates @ MIT
Not only is TNC an amazing writer, he also handles his online community better than any other author/personality type I've ever seen. I don't know to what extent he will discuss these things, but just wanted to pass it on.
- Chris
Begin forwarded message:
From: Thomas Levenson <levenson at MIT.EDU<mailto:levenson at MIT.EDU>>
Subject: Ta-Nehisi Coates @ MIT
Date: November 9, 2011 5:36:20 PM EST
To: "civicmedia-researchers at media.mit.edu<mailto:civicmedia-researchers at media.mit.edu>" <civicmedia-researchers at media.mit.edu<mailto:civicmedia-researchers at media.mit.edu>>, Andrew Whitacre <awhit at mit.edu<mailto:awhit at mit.edu>>
Dear all,
Consider this an early heads up for an event many of you may find interesting. Ta-Nehisi Coates, senior editor and blogger at The Atlantic is coming to speak here at MIT on Tuesday, November 29.
Coates is not precisely a civic-media person, but his blog and the way he's fostered a community of learning and thinking there ("the horde" as it self-refers) is a really impressive use of the medium to make new connections happen.
He's going to be talking mostly about writing, and what he's learning as he produces his first novel -- but he's a wide ranging, thoughtful guy, and I'd both encourage everyone on the list to come if time and interest permit -- and I ask the favor that you pass the news on to anyone in your circles who you think would find it interesting.
Thomas Levenson
Professor of Science Writing
Head, Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies
Building 14E-303
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Begin forwarded message:
From: Shinika Spencer <shinika at MIT.EDU<mailto:shinika at MIT.EDU>>
Subject: Edited poster
Date: November 9, 2011 2:37:18 PM EST
To: Thomas Levenson <levenson at mit.edu<mailto:levenson at mit.edu>>
*Please note change in photo dimensions*
Shinika Spencer
Administrative Assistant
Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies
MIT, 14E-303
Cambridge MA 02139
(617) 253-9469
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