[Editors] MIT Course ESD.942 on Social Media

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 14 08:25:03 EST 2011

Many thanks to Lois Slavin, who brings this course to our attention!

Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

On Jan 13, 2011, at 3:59 PM, Lois E Slavin wrote:

> Hi Elizabeth,
> Please forward this if you feel that it would be of interest to members of the Editors Group.
> Thanks.
> Lois
> Dear Colleagues,
> This should be a terrific opportunity to learn about Social Media from some of MIT's lead users -- specifically the AgeLab's Joseph Coughlin and the co-founders of the MIT Social Media Club -- Azamat Abdymomunov and Rafael Marañón-Abreu. 
> Hope to see you there!
> Best,
> Lois
> Lois Slavin
> Communications Director
> MIT System Design and Management Program
> The MIT Master's Program in Engineering and Management
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue
> E40-391
> Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
> Tel. 617.253.0812
> Fax 617.253.1462
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Rafael Maranon <rmaranon at sloan.mit.edu>
>> Date: January 13, 2011 3:05:12 PM EST
>> To: MIT Social Media Club <socialmedia at mit.edu>
>> Subject: MIT Course ESD.942 on Social Media
>> Dear friends, 
>> The director of the AgeLab, Joseph Coughlin together with the founders of the MIT Social Media Club Azamat Abdymomunov, and Rafael Marañón-Abreu will be teaching a course on Social Media.
>> Starting on Thursday Jan 20 at 9am, course ESD.942 Social Media: Trust, Information Seeking & Systems Innovation in the Digital Age, will focus on understanding the impact of social media and underlying social networks on public trust, individual decision-making and systems innovation. Cases will include examination of social media as a research tool and its influence on individual information seeking behaviors and the changing nature of advice in healthcare, financial services, selected other domains and collaborative innovation across business and government.
>> Students can already register for this course for credits at MIT Websis, Units: 1-0-2 (P/D/F). Non students interested attending as listeners are also very welcome and should sign in the following form in order to receive reading materials and course notifications.
>> 	• Registration for credits
>> 	• Registration as a listener
>> Lecture: 9am-1pm on Jan 20 (E51-149), 21 (E51-149), 26 (E51-315), 27 (E51-315), 28 (E51-149)
>> Joseph Coughlin	coughlin at mit.edu
>> Azamat Abdymomunov	abdimom at mit.edu
>> Rafael Marañón-Abreu	rmaranon at mit.edu
>> Social media is changing the social environment for government, business, health care, education sectors, etc. How basic principles of trust, collaboration and value creation evolve in the digital age.  What remains constant and what evolves over time?  This course focuses on recognizing these basic patterns in the digital age and help to gain competitive advantage from understanding dynamics of social media.
>> The course should be especially useful for students who hope to:
>> -          Understand the landscape and changing dynamics of social media
>> -          Understand basic skills and tools of social medial
>> -          get introduction into basic patterns of information and knowledge management
>> -          Understand cutting-edge potential of social media in unexpected sectors of our society such as health care, academic research, corporate identity, local communities, family
>> The course will consist of five lectures presented by Joseph Coughlin, Director of the MIT AgeLab and Azamar Abdymomunov and Rafael Marañón-Abreu, SDM´10 and founders of the MIT Social Media Club. There will be at least one visiting lecturer who will participate in the course and help present a particular case.
>> Five domain will be considered: Health & Wellbeing, Finance, Safety and  Organization Development. Each domain will present an example of social media applications in different sectors of our society. In each case, the group will take several stage approaches:
>> - Influence
>> - Information seeking and Validation
>> - Check and Balance
>> - Power of Share Knowledge
>> - Change and Transformation
>> - Learning
>> - Dialog
>> During the class, the instructors will facilitate the wide range of newest social media tool to build trust and promote collaboration inside and outside the class.
>> General
>> Attendees will be able to understand the impact of social media and underlying social networks on public trust, individual decision-making and systems innovation. By examining several cases studies of social media such that they will be able to
>> 	• Use social media as a research tool
>> 	• Recognize its influence on individual information seeking behaviors
>> 	• Observe the changing nature of advice in
>> 		• Healthcare and well-being
>> 		• Financial services,
>> 		• Safety
>> 		• Organization development
>> 	• Familiarize with collaborative innovation across business and government.
>> Public Trust
>> Attendees should be able to
>> 	• explain what a public trust is and how social networks emerges
>> 	• demonstrate the influence of lead users in the digital age
>> 	• explain what a -social media lead user – is, how it creates value and competitive advantage
>> 	• identify the common features of a generic —, and create one specialized for a given product
>> 	• identify where public trust sits in social media and its role in establishing value and competitive advantage
>> Individual decision-making
>> Attendees will be able to
>> 	• define decision-making in a social media context
>> 	• identify the elements that make us to deal with decision in digital environments, critique them, and learn from them
>> System Innovation
>> Attendees will be able to
>> *        compare existing digital media approaches to system innovation
>> *        create new approaches
>> *        analyze old and new approaches, and synergize a “best” approach
>> *        think creatively and “out-of-the-box” when necessary
>> *        develop a personal framework set for successful system innovation by using digital tools
>> L1	Introduction – Collaboration in the Digital Age: Course introduction and how social media environment help to increase contact rate among digital age lead users (Includes workshop on how to create your footprint on the Internet: Set up your own MIT domain, blog, integrate LinkedIn-Facebook-Twitter…)	1/20
>> 9am-1pm
>> E51-149
>> L2	Health & Well-being: Patient-oriented approach, doctor influence in Patients,
>> persuading patients to act, communities, doctors selection based in reviews of your network, HIV and Social Media, nutrition pattern, misleading information from alternative medicine, pharmaceutical influence on media and doctors, communication in hospitals, educations of patients, accelerating training, social well-being, CDC. Prevention vs treatment. Social medicine, improve healthcare in resource-limited settings, education.
>> Case study: Food Revolution, Mayo Clinic
>> 1/21
>> 9am-1pm
>> E51-149
>> L3	Finance: Cases will include examination of social media as a tool and its influence on individual information seeking behaviors and the changing nature of advice in financial services.
>> Guess Speaker: Fidelity Investment
>> 1/26
>> 9am-1pm
>> E51-315
>> L4	Safety and Organization Development: using social media for new process adoption, shared vision, talent seeking (recruiting), new acquisitions, cross-functional teams, corporate culture, global markets. From ’knowledge is power’ to ‘share knowledge is power’, convert social data into a strategic information asset, customer support, executing organizational business cycle change: appearance, shape and form, social media to overcome the seven organization learning disabilities, learning teams, multi-stakeholders, user-centric innovation, system thinking.	1/27
>> 9am-1pm
>> E51-315
>> L5	Wrap-up and class projects presentations	 1/28
>> 9am-1pm
>> E51-149
>> Visit course website for updates and registration: http://socialmedia.mit.edu/esd-942-course/
>> -- 
>> Rafael Marañón-Abreu
>> MIT SDM Fellow'11
>> 1 857 453 0977
>> rmaranon at sloan.mit.edu
>> maranon.mit.edu | socialmedia.mit.edu

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