[Editors] Advice on custom binding

Emily Muldoon Kathan emkathan at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 9 09:21:24 EST 2011

Hi Nicolene,

I second Tom's recommendation of Acme Bookbinding in Somerville. If you're willing to consider a nice book cloth cover rather than leather, the cost may not be so prohibitive there. Otherwise, a service like blurb is your best bet.

Best of luck,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Emily Muldoon Kathan
Creative Design Director | MIT Alumni Association
600 Memorial Drive, W-98 | Cambridge, MA 02139
617-258-0790 | emkathan at mit.edu<mailto:emkathan at mit.edu>

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-----Original Message-----
From: editors-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:editors-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Nicolene Hengen
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 8:55 AM
To: editors at mit.edu
Subject: [Editors] Advice on custom binding

Hello folks,

LAI has just finished a significant research project and we plan to present half a dozen (leather)bound copies to the CEO who shepherded along this project.

Does anyone have any experience with custom binding projects? I'm looking for a reliable vendor (preferably local) and would appreciate any leads.




Nicolene Hengen

Membership and Communications Manager

Lean Advancement Initiative at MIT


Managing Editor

Journal of Enterprise Transformation


292 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139



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