[Editors] Said and Done | School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences | April 2011

Deborah Fitzgerald hiestand at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 13 12:32:57 EDT 2011


_Highlights from Said and Done _| April 2011 Edition
[2]Complete Edition Online
    1. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11
    2. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11


_Jay Scheib, Associate Professor of Theater, wins 2011 Guggenheim Fellowship
_The prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship is an award for advanced, mid-career
professionals, who are chosen from among thousands of distinguished artists,
scholars, and scientists, for having "demonstrated exceptional capacity for
productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts."
    3. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#scheib

_Pauline Maier's Ratification is finalist for the Washington Book prize;
Maier also receives the Miller Award_
The Washington Book Prize, one of the largest book awards in the U.S., is
given annually to the best book on America's founding era, especially those
that have the potential to advance broad public understanding of American
history. The Miller Award for Excellence in American History is given by the
Concord Free Library of Concord, Massachusetts.
[4]More on Ratification by Pauline Maier
    4. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#maier


_Rt  Hon David Miliband MP in residence at the Center for International
Miliband, an alumnus of the Department of Political Science, member of the
British Parliament, and former Foreign Secretary for the United Kingdom
(2007-10) is joining CIS as a Wilhelm Fellow from April 11 through 15, 2011.
During this time, he will give a talk on Afghanistan, and meet with faculty
and students. Miliband spoke with MIT News about the need for a revamped
political strategy for Afghanistan.
[5]Q&A with Miliban at MIT News
    5. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#miliband

_Japan's nuclear crisis and governmental response _
Forum  on March 16, 2011, co-sponsored by the Center for International
Studies and the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. MIT
experts discuss Japan's nuclear past, present, and future from a political
and engineering perspective. The presentation includes an eyewitness account
of the crisis and the Japanese government's response.
[6]More + Video
    6. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#japan

_Digital forensics _
Photo experts converge at MIT to discuss how to spot doctored images. The
ability to fake digital images is now running far ahead of our ability to
detect the fakes. Report from an event sponsored by the Knight Science
Journalism program and Harvard’s Nieman Foundation.
    7. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#forensics

_3 Questions: Liquidity lessons _
Economist Bengt Holmstrom on the problems of borrowing and lending in a
post-crash world, and the role of government in responding to crises.
[8]Peter Dizikes at MIT News
    8. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#holmstrom


_Suzanne  Berger  leads a team to re-think what it means to be "made in
MIT President Susan Hockfield has enlisted Political Science professor
Suzanne Berger to undertake a game-changing study of America’s industrial
economy. Berger and Phil Sharp, Nobel Laureate in biology, are chairing a
new interdisciplinary team called Production in the Innovation Economy
    9. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#berger

_Bookshelf _
The  research of MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
appears principally in the form of books and publications, as well as music
and theater productions. These gems of the School provide new knowledge and
analysis, innovation and insight, guidance for policy, and nourishment for
[10]Take a look
    10. http://shass.mit.edu/bookshelf


_Saturday, April 30 Under the Dome_ | MIT Open House | Great Ideas Event
For MIT’s Open House on April 30th the School is producing an all-day event
on the innovations and contributions in the humanities, arts, and social
science  disciplines. The event at Kresge Auditorium will feature idea
stations and current research, as well as music and theater performances,
and literary readings.
[11]Open House information
    11. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#dome

_April 13–15_
_La Ronde _| Let's get it on
A comedy of lust and longing. Written by Arthur Schnitzer at the beginning
of the 20th century, the play has been adapted by Anna Kohler for MIT. With
the help of today’s media, actors from other continents will be able to
perform in the show, along with the MIT Dramashop actors.
[12]Full information

_Friday, April 15_
_Bang-on-a-Can Marathon_
World-renowned new music powerhouses Kronos Quartet, Bang-on-a-Can All-Stars
and Chinese pipa-ist Wu Man team up with MIT’s own Gamelan Galak Tika and
MIT Chamber Chorus for a 5-hour marathon concert featuring works by MIT’s
Evan Ziporyn, Tod Machover, alum Christine Southworth, as well as Brian Eno
and minimalist gurus Steve Reich & Terry Riley.
[13]Full information
    12. http://arts.mit.edu/fast/la-ronde
    13. http://arts.mit.edu/fast/mini-marathon

_Thursday, April 21—Saturday, April 23_
Dance Technology and Circulations of the Social, V. 2.0
For the 150th celebration, a dozen dance technology researchers will be at
MIT to present their current, media-focused research. The two-day symposium
includes readings, demonstrations, and small-scale performances, and will
produce an anthology of writings to be edited by the symposium conveners.
[14]Full Information
    14. http://arts.mit.edu/fast/dancetechnology


_Lightman on art and science_
To celebrate the birthday of Albert Einstein—a video interview with adjunct
professor Alan Lightman, best-selling author of Einstein's Dreams, and the
first professor at MIT to receive a joint appointment in the sciences and
the humanities.
[15]Watch video at Tech TV
    15. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#lightman

_Acemoglu on inequality and the financial crash
_This  excellent  podcast  interview  with  Daron  Acemoglu, Charles P.
Kindleberger Professor of Economics, examines the role of income inequality
in the financial crash.
    16. http://shass.mit.edu/magazine/april_11#acemoglu


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