[Editors] grad school fair booth poster

Melanie Miller melmils at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 24 13:19:33 EDT 2010

Hello fellow editors,
This is more of a graphics question, but I consider you experts in all things (I hope the sucking-up helps).

We will have a booth at a graduate studies fair in November, and I'm putting together the big 4x8 poster that will be behind the table at our booth. Would anyone have tips on the format for something like this or, even better, a template or example?

We have an idea of what content we want ("MIT Graduate Studies in Chemical Engineering" splashy title, names of our different programs and fun photos of research and students) but as for the look/layout for that content on such a big poster, I'm not sure what's best to grab the attention of passers-by.

I welcome any thoughts/comments - thank you!
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