[Editors] Facebook accounts

Stephanie Hatch hatch_s at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 21 10:27:08 EDT 2010

Hi Lauren (and all), 

In line with what Lisa has just said, I would consider creating a second profile for yourself as a professional. However, this can get confusing for your friends who search for you by your MIT email address. It is a consideration if you continue to pursue a career in communications and plan to manage accounts, but there are drawbacks. 

Facebook has struggled with placing itself between the personal and professional world; those of us who wish to use FB on a business level as well as on a personal level find that two worlds clash in a context where a venn diagram is neither necessary nor desirable. 

Business Pundit raises this same issue addressed by Lauren (http://www.businesspundit.com/crossing-the-facebook-line-personal-to-business/). Until now FB has not completely and successfully solved the problem for everyone. Some don't see a problem; they see a limited profile opportunity. However, others among us feel trepidation toward blending our personal and professional lives. 

For those of you who would like to use your personal account for professional purposes, see Shannon Whitley's how-to: http://www.voiceoftech.com/swhitley/index.php/2007/07/a-professional-facebook-profile/

Stephanie Hatch
School of Architecture + Planning

On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:01 AM, Lauren J Clark ljclark at MIT.EDU wrote:

> Editors,
> When you set up Facebook pages for your organization, whose account do you use? I'm not crazy about the idea of using a personal account to set up a fan page, even though I know I can limit adminstrators' access to just that page.
> I'm curious to hear how others handle this.
> Lauren Clark
> Communications Officer
> MIT Resource Development
> 600 Memorial Drive, W98-300
> 617-253-6442
> ljclark at mit.edu
> http://development.mit.edu
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