[Editors] FW: MIT Social Media Working Group Survey - Tasks, Services, and Tools

Stefanie Koperniak skoperni at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 25 17:00:39 EDT 2010

Hi, Editors--
I'm passing on the e-mail below from a smaller group within the MIT Social Media Working Group. Our particular subgroup is trying to gather info on how the larger MIT communications community uses social media. Please feel free to e-mail Chris Peterson<mailto:chris.peterson at MIT.EDU> or myself with any questions.
Stefanie Koperniak
Communications Director
MIT Engineering Systems Division
1 Amherst St., E40-247
Cambridge, MA 02142
Find ESD on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-MA/MIT-Engineering-Systems-Division/126418585347?ref=ts>
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From: Chris Peterson @ MIT
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 3:26 PM
To: social-media
Subject: MIT Social Media Working Group Survey - Tasks, Services, and Tools

Hi all -

You're receiving this email on the behalf of the "How" subgroup of the Social Media Working Group. SMWG has been established to investigate best practices and methods for social media across MIT, and this subgroup has been tasked with identifying and inventorying how folks use social media on MIT's campus right now.

We've put together a very simple, very brief survey located here:

We ask that you please fill this out by November 5th. Please also pass it on to any other mailing lists, individual colleagues, etc, at MIT. We want responses from a broad range of campus stakeholders, all of whom communicate with different offices in different ways, to ensure robust responses.

Please email me with any questions.


- Chris Peterson
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