[Editors] Interesting article on science communications

thomson@mit.edu thomson at mit.edu
Wed May 19 10:49:31 EDT 2010

An article from The Chronicle of Higher Education was forwarded to you by:
thomson at mit.edu

Message from the sender:
Thought many of you would find the following piece of interest. I have
personally found that most scientists (and engineers!) really do care about
communicating their work to the public, and will work hard with me to
create stories that do so.


Elizabeth Thomson
MIT Resource Development

Please Explain: Training Scientists to Be Better Communicators
Less than half of Americans believe in evolution, and that's
partly scientists' fault.
This premium article will be available to nonsubscribers at the link above
for five days and at
Most E-Mailed
Please Explain: Training Scientists to Be Better Communicators
Is Ken Starr the Man Who Can Unify Baylor?
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Students at U. of Florida Use Facebook to Find Tutors

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