[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, May 2010

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Mon May 17 10:59:49 EDT 2010


*Meeting Notes from May, 2010*

This last meeting of the 2009-10 school year included lots of Helpful Stuff. Here are some examples:

*Smart Phones*

Although the majority of folks at this meeting don't [yet] have smart phones, everyone was interested in them, especially when Nancy Duvergne Smith of the Alumni Association gave us a show-n-tell of her new Droid. Way cool.

Here are two links Nancy sent me related to smart phones:

Story on Droid overtaking the iPhone

iPhone contract with AT&T goes through 2012

*Cell Phones: Campus Coverage*

Regardless of whether your phone is smart or not, coverage on campus can be spotty. IS&T is working to improve coverage, says Robyn Fizz of that department, and construction is underway on several new transmitters (http://ist.mit.edu/news/celltransmitterupdate). 

Robyn expects that the construction will be done by early June, and will send us an update when the transmitters are operational.

*MIT Acronyms*

Many MIT faculty in AA are no doubt members of AA and, as a result, were probably involved in the AA. Ok, I made all of that up (although there's a good chance it's true) to point out how confusing MIT acronyms can be. To that end, members of MIT Editors' Club should find the following wiki useful:

Acronyms, abbreviations and lingo used at MIT

The original web site was created and maintained by Editors' Club members Janet Snover and Catherine Avril; Alice Waugh of MIT Medical (and Editors' Club) turned it into a wiki back in 2008. That means that anyone at MIT (with certificates) can make additions or changes to the list, including adding a link or perhaps a short description to any of the entries to make them more informative. To minimize the possibility of inadvertent errors, Alice gets an e-mail any time a change is made, and the wiki keeps a record of who made what changes.

*Next Meetings*

MIT Editors' Club will be on hiatus over the summer, but we'll resume meetings in September. I'll send a note with the fall meeting schedule when it's ready.

Happy Summer!


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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