[Editors] Feb 18 Google Analytics webinar

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 17 09:42:52 EST 2010

Dear colleagues,

The Publishing Services Bureau invites you to join us tomorrow at a webinar on Google Analytics for Colleges: Understand Clicks, Trends & Track Results. Since many of you are already using Google Analytics, we thought this would be a helpful webinar to offer. There are a few different analytics tools being used across campus and we will continue to evaluate the options on behalf of the community.

Thursday, February 18
1-2 p.m.
PSB, Building E38-254
No registration required

Using Google Analytics as part of your university's marketing strategy will enhance the effectiveness of your overall web marketing efforts. How can your school leverage these tools to better understand its web visitors, track clicks and analyze trends to maximize your marketing campaigns?

Higher Ed Hero is sponsoring this webinar, which will cover web metric strategies to drive more traffic to your website, the four must-have Google Analytics rules that every college should apply, how to understand who is visiting your site and what they will want, and proven ways to determine what is and isn't working on your site.

For more information about the presenter and topics covered, visit http://www.higheredhero.com/SU/0/2/p3CW29c/p47M6HRLi/p0e. PSB has already registered for the group.

Best regards,


Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

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