[Editors] Said and Done | From the Dean's Office
Emily Hiestand
hiestand at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 5 15:29:22 EDT 2010
Dear All,
Greetings. Here’s the April 2010 edition of Said and Done, the monthly
digest from MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. For the
complete review - and photographs - visit [1]Said and Done.
1. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2010-said-and-done-april
Highlights include:
_Why do questions take the form they do?_
In _Uttering Trees_, published this month by MIT Press, linguist Norvin
Richards presents research that explains how the noises we make help to
shape the sentences we speak.
Of _Uttering Trees_, linguist Elena
Anagnostopoulou writes, "A brilliant book by one of the most creative minds
in the field."
_Premiere of Harbison work to honor Institute Professor Peter Diamond
On Friday, April 30, the retirement of Institute Professor Peter Diamond
will be honored by the premiere of a work by composer John Harbison, another
of MIT's Institute Professors. The piece, drolly titled, "Diamond Watch,"
was commissioned by Priscilla (Kate) Myrick Diamond.
_Memorial gathering for Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson_
Family, friends, and colleagues of the late Paul Samuelson will celebrate
the MIT economist’s extraordinary life and legacy during a memorial service
at 11 am on Saturday, April 10, in Kresge Auditorium.
_Rebuilding Haiti
Four MIT panelists with strong ties to Haiti share ideas about the country's
future at a Starr Forum. Contributing were Michel DeGraff, associate
professor of linguistics; Erica James, associate professor of anthropology;
Cherie Miot Abbanat, lecturer, Urban Studies and Planning; and Dale Joachim,
visiting scientist at the Media lab.
_On Facebook_
Great Fans Change the World
_Dean's Office Move_
The Dean's Office recently completed our move to Building 4. All of us look
forward to welcoming you to our new quarters.
For complete review visit
[2]Said and Done
2. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2010-said-and-done-april
Emily Hiestand
Communication Director
Office of the Dean
MIT School of Humanities,
Arts and Social Sciences
[3]great ideas change the world
3. http://shass.mit.edu
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