[Editors] Twitter

Nancy DuVergne Smith ndsmith at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 3 13:34:32 EDT 2009

Hi all,

We have an MIT_Alumni Twitter account that we use to communicate to alumni
--and anyone interested in MIT:  http://twitter.com/MIT_alumni
We generally post a couple of times a day - enough to be lively but not so
much that people don't want to be bothered... We alert people to our Slice
of MIT blog posts and put up media news about alumni, etc.

Bill, your twitter page would be a good place to post aero-astro headlines
of interest to both students and alumni. (I just checked and you are doing
that) The obvious is department news, deadlines etc. To get people to become
followers of your page, maybe you should offer something exclusively through
your twitter page--then nudge people to go find it.  And why not put your
Twitter link on the home page?  


Nancy DuVergne Smith
MIT Alumni Association | Editorial Director
W98-3rd Fl | 617-253-8217 | ndsmith at mit.edu
http://alum.mit.edu/  |  Slice of MIT blog:  http://alum.mit.edu/sliceofmit

-----Original Message-----
From: editors-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:editors-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of
William Litant
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:14 PM
To: editors at MIT.EDU
Subject: [Editors] Twitter

Dear all:

Could you kindly tell me if you or your department communicate with  
students via Twitter? I tweet general department news I am interested  
how many are using it for that, but also specifically for student  
communication. Thanks.


William Litant
communications director
Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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