[Editors] Free music

Josie Patterson josiep at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 19 12:38:12 EST 2009

Hello all,
I was told by a young film/video person about a site for royalty free  

I have not used it, but it looks interesting. You can also donate to  
the artist should you wish.

Josie Patterson
MIT Museum

On Nov 19, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Elizabeth Thomson wrote:

> *Meeting Notes from November 18, 2009*
> I am always energized by these meetings. They cover such a wide range
> of interesting topics and people are so darn knowledgeable. This one
> was no exception. Many of us were surprised when told the hour was
> over.....
> *A Bit O' History*
> Fifteen Editors attended this meeting, prompting someone to ask how
> many people are in the group overall. Are you sitting down? (If not, I
> guess that would be a little odd.) Anyway, there are currently 191
> members of MIT Editors' Club. All of us are simply interested or
> involved in MIT communications.
> No-one's quite sure when the group was originally formed, but it had
> to have been at least 25 years ago. The first chair of the group,
> which was initially quite small, was Beth Harding (then of MIT Sea
> Grant, I believe). Debbie Levey of Civil and Environmental
> Engineering, who is still at MIT in the same department, took over for
> several years, and I volunteered back in '94. Imagine this: Debbie,
> too, wrote minutes for each monthly meeting, but the technology wasn't
> quite there yet so she distributed them by good old-fashioned
> interdepartmental mail. When I took over, I asked if we could somehow
> use "new technology" to cut the time involved. Enter Robyn Fizz of
> IS&T, who told me about this strange thing called a listserv......and
> here we are.
> *Reprint Policies?*
> The New York Times recently published a story featuring MIT's Lean
> Advancement Initiative. Way cool! Nicolene Hengen, LAI membership and
> communications manager, wanted to post the article on the LAI web
> site, but found that it would cost $1,300 for unlimited downloads over
> six months--a tad too steep for her budget. How, she asked, have other
> Editors shared such articles with their constituents via the web?
> Lisa Damtoft of MIT Medical suggested that Nicolene simply post a link
> to the story, if it is freely available. Also: both Lisa and Denise
> Brehm of Civil and Environmental Engineering said that she should try
> contacting the reporter or someone else on the editorial team.
> Sometimes they can get you the same service (e.g., unlimited
> downloads) for free. Lisa, who used to be the webmaster for the News
> Office, said that often media organizations are quite happy to do this
> for places like MIT.
> *Inexpensive Video Training*
> Judy Daniels of architecture and planning told the group about a "boot
> camp for documentary video" this January that some members might be
> interested in. It is through Mass Art, and costs $515. She suggested
> that you sign up SOON, however, as there are limited openings.
> Another cool--and cheap!--way to get video training:public access
> television. Jennifer Schmitt, my colleague here in Resource
> Development,  says that you can join the station in your town for $55,
> and they'll not only let you borrow their video equipment, but also
> train you via a set of free classes.
> *Music Policies?*
> So you've created a fabulous video on your department. How do you
> incorporate music into it without bumping up against copyright laws?
> For example, said Judy, what if the video includes a clip, provided by
> a student, that includes a Beatles song in the background? Jennifer,
> who used to work for a lawyer's office, says that it should be just
> fine to use the clip. Fair use law covers music that's in the
> background, and is only heard for a short amount of time.
> Lisa Damtoft noted that istockphoto now also includes video and sound
> that you can use once you subscribe to the service.
> *Second Life*
> Earlier this week I attended a conference through the Association of
> Fundraising Professionals. One of the talks involved--and I am not
> kidding you--fundraising in virtual environments, specifically Second
> Life. The old me would have sniffed at the topic. The new me--greatly
> influenced by members of this group--figured, "what the heck? It's new
> media. Why don't I attend?"
> It really was pretty interesting. Apparently nonprofits *do* have a
> presence in Second Life and, in fact, are starting to reach out to
> alumni, donors, and others through this virtual world. The American
> Cancer Society actually put out a press release on their fundraising
> efforts with Second Life. See http://www.cancer.org/docroot/MED/content/MED_2_1x_American_Cancer_Society_Relay_For_Life_of_Second_Life_Marks_Milestone_Year_in_Virtual_World.asp?sitearea=MED
> Are any of YOUR groups/departments/etc. on Second Life? No-one at this
> meeting was aware of an MIT presence, but I did find what I think is
> an MIT Alumni Association site....Am not sure, however, if it's
> "real"  :)
> A big Thank You to Carol Sardo of the Deshpande Center for
> Technological Innovation for booking the room for this meeting. I'll
> be contacting several of you to book rooms for 2010.
> *Next Meeting*
> The next meeting of MIT Editors' Club is Monday, Dec. 14, in N42-286.
> Many thanks to Robyn Fizz of Information Services and Technology for
> setting this up. Again, meetings are always from 12-1, and please feel
> free to bring a lunch.
> Elizabeth
> =========================
> Elizabeth A. Thomson
> Associate Director of Communications
> MIT Resource Development
> Office of Communications
> 600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
> 617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
> <thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu
> =========================
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Josie Patterson
josiep at mit.edu

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