[Editors] how to enhance google results?

Scott R Campbell scottc at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 23 17:20:00 EDT 2009

Esteemed Colleagues,

Rumor has it that .org and .edu organizations can receive donations of  
advertising space from Google on their search result pages.  Do any of  
you know anything about that?

We have a researcher who notes that when he searches 'parkinson's  
disease' he gets links to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Scripps,  
etc., etc., but no links to his work.  He does have a .org site but it  
doesn't say anything about parkinsons (which is no doubt part of the  

Got any instructive thoughts on this?


Scott Campbell
Director of Communications
MIT School of Architecture + Planning
Mail: MIT 7-231      .      Office: MIT 9-422
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139

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