[Editors] MIT: A more eco-friendly option for coal power plants
Elizabeth Thomson
thomson at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 17 10:28:40 EST 2008
MIT: A quicker, easier way to make coal cleaner
--‘Partial capture’ of emissions could be near-term move
For Immediate Release
MONDAY, NOV. 17, 2008
Contact: Elizabeth A. Thomson, MIT News Office
E: thomson at mit.edu, T: 617-258-5402
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***EDITORS, PLEASE NOTE: The following release is one of two you will
be receiving about MIT research to be presented tomorrow, Nov. 18, at
the 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control
WASHINGTON, DC--Construction of new coal-fired power plants in the
United States is in danger of coming to a standstill, partly due to
the high cost of the requirement — whether existing or anticipated —
to capture all emissions of carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse
gas. But an MIT analysis suggests an intermediate step that could get
construction moving again, allowing the nation to fend off growing
electricity shortages using our most-abundant, least-expensive fuel
while also reducing emissions.
Instead of capturing all of its CO2 emissions, plants could capture a
significant fraction of those emissions with less costly changes in
plant design and operation, the MIT analysis shows.
“Our approach — ‘partial capture’ — can get CO2 emissions from coal-
burning plants down to emissions levels of natural gas power plants,”
said Ashleigh Hildebrand, a graduate student in chemical engineering
and the Technology and Policy Program. “Policies such as California’s
Emissions Performance Standards could be met by coal plants using
partial capture rather than having to rely solely on natural gas,
which is increasingly imported and subject to high and volatile prices.”
Hildebrand will present her findings on Nov. 18 at the 9th
International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies in
Washington, DC. Her co-author is Howard J. Herzog, principal research
engineer at the MIT Energy Initiative and chair of the conference
organizing committee.
The United States is facing a pressing need for more power plants that
run essentially all the time. Renewable sources aren’t suited to the
task, nuclear plants can’t be built quickly enough, and expanded
reliance on natural gas raises price and energy-security concerns.
Coal, which now supplies more than half of all U.S. electricity, seems
the best option.
But as several states have started to regulate CO2 emissions, and
others are expected to follow suit, some of the luster has come off
coal. Amid the uncertainty, no one wants to be the “first mover” on
building a new coal plant incorporating carbon capture and storage
(CCS). Depending on the type of plant, carbon capture alone can
increase the initial capital cost by 30 to 60 percent and decrease
plant efficiency so that the cost per kilowatt-hour rises. That high
cost would reduce — or possibly eliminate — the hours the plant will
be called on to run. Plus, CCS hasn’t been proved at full scale, so no
one knows exactly what to expect.
In Herzog’s view, the call for full carbon capture is “a policy of
inaction, a policy that won’t move forward either new coal plants or
the CCS technology.” Partial capture could be a viable intermediate
The push for full capture (defined as 90 percent of the total) is in
part economic: everyone assumed that 90 percent capture would — due to
economies of scale — yield the lowest cost per ton of CO2 removed.
Anything less than 90 percent would mean a higher per-ton cost.
To investigate that assumption, Hildebrand and Herzog modeled the
technological changes and costs involved in capturing fractions
ranging from zero to 90 percent. The model takes into account
technological breakpoints. For example, carbon capture is achieved by
a series of devices that absorb CO2, release it and compress it. Full
capture may require two or more parallel series.
The model confirms that the cost per ton of CO2 removed declines as
the number of captured tons increases. Not surprisingly, when the
second series is added, cost per ton goes up, but it then quickly
levels off. Cost per ton is thus roughly the same at, say, 60 percent
capture as it is at 90 percent capture. Since there are no economies
of scale to be gained by going to 90 percent, companies can remove
less — and significantly reduce their initial capital investment as
well as the drop in efficiency once the plant is running.
The researchers conclude that as a near-term measure, partial capture
looks promising. New coal plants with lower CO2 emissions would
generate much-needed electricity while also demonstrating carbon
capture and providing a setting for testing CO2 storage — steps that
will accelerate the large-scale deployment of full capture in the
This research was supported by the MIT Carbon Sequestration Initiative
and the National Science Foundation.
The GHGT-9 conference is organized by MIT in collaboration with the
IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG), with sponsorship from the
U.S. Department of Energy.
Written by Nancy Stauffer, MIT Energy Initiative
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