[Editors] New MIT staff website photo shoot

Janet Walzer janetbw at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 10 10:17:22 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues,


We are looking for staff members to be part of a photo shoot on 

November 17 and 18. The photos will be part of a new website with 

resources for administrative, support and service staff. We'd like the 

photos to show a range of staff diversity -- including job function, 

age, gender and race -- and feature both work and social settings 

around campus. The photos will focus on staff going about their work 

or conversing with colleagues, rather than static portraits. The shoot 

will take no more than 30 minutes of your time.


If you are interested in participating or have any interesting 

locations to suggest, please reply to one of the following project 

team members by *Wednesday*, Nov. 12th:


Bara Blender, Publishing Services Bureau bblender at mit.edu 

<mailto:bblender at mit.edu>, 8-9367


Susan Curran, News Office

scurran at mit.edu <mailto:scurran at mit.edu>, 3-2548


Anne Deveau, Department of Architecture <mailto:adeveau at mit.edu>,8-8438


Tom Pixton, Publishing Services Bureau tpixton at mit.edu 

<mailto:tpixton at mit.edu>, 8-0648


Janet Walzer, Human Resources

janetbw at mit.edu <mailto:janetbw at mit.edu>, 3-6647


If you'd like to participate, we'll be back in touch by the end of the 

week to confirm the time and location.


Thank you!


Janet Walzer


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