[Editors] Seeking speaker to introduce MIT's Blue Lobster Bowl

Andrea Cohen alcohen at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 16 15:22:57 EST 2008

Dear All,

I am wondering whether anyone has any recommendations for a speaker 
who'd connect well with high school students. This is for a short 
introduction to the Blue Lobster Bowl, here at MIT on Feb. 9. 2008.

Part of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, this event brings teams of 
students together to compete in series of round robin questions. The 
goal of the competition is to increase knowledge of the oceans on the 
part of high school students, their teachers and parents, and to 
raise the visibility and public understanding of the national 
investment in ocean-related research.

The ideal speaker would be someone involved in research and/or 
education, able to inspire kids on a Saturday morning, and maybe even 
elicit some press interest. A couple (big) thoughts we have had are 
President Hockfield and Deval Patrick.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. This also begs the question: 
does MIT have any sort of resource/database of possible speakers for 
various events?


p.s. see 
for more information

Andrea Cohen, Communications Manager           
MIT Sea Grant College Program                 	               	   
Bldg. NE20-378, 3 Cambridge Center       	         
77 Massachusetts Avenue                              
Cambridge, MA  02139

617.253.3461  phone
617.252.1615  fax
alcohen at mit.edu
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