[Editors] Top MIT research stories

Elizabeth Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 9 13:14:01 EST 2008

Hi Everybody!

As you know, some 1,000 science writers will be in town next month  
for the national meeting of the American Association for the  
Advancement of Science. As a result, my colleague Patti Richards and  
I are preparing a list of especially hot MIT research stories/people  
to pitch to some of those reporters. We have our own ideas, of  
course, but I wanted your input as well. So please send me a list of  
your top 5 stories/researchers from over the last year or so. It  
would be great if you could include a link to a story you've written  
about that person/topic, or a few sentences about why this person/ 
topic is so great.

Extra points for especially visual stories. I just learned from a Pew  
Internet and American Life Project survey (Nov. '06) that TELEVISION  
is first as a science news source for Americans (41% of respondents).  
It was followed by the internet (20%), and newspapers/magazines (14 %).



Elizabeth A. Thomson
Senior Science and Engineering Editor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>


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