[Editors] MIT Home Page Team

Pamela Dumas Serfes pdserfes at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 4 11:37:27 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

As some of you may be aware, the MIT Home Page Team joined the News  
Office in early October as the next step in a close collaboration to  
promote and enhance public awareness of MIT. Since that time, we have  
undergone a few transitions that I would like to share with you.

Suzana Lisanti, who has provided insightful leadership in shaping  
MIT’s web communications strategy since 1994, has accepted a position  
with MIT’s HyperStudio--Laboratory for Digital Humanities. In this  
new role, which officially begins in February, she will provide  
strategic communications regarding innovative media applications in  
the humanities and social sciences. We are grateful for Suzana’s  
extraordinary creativity in providing wonderful home pages that  
change each day, and for her willingness to continue designing  
graphics for the home page through June of this year.

Susan Curran, managing editor of the Home Page, has agreed to take  
over full responsibility for publishing the home page, including  
content and organization of the top-level pages, in addition to  
managing the spotlights. She will continue to collaborate with  
publishers across the Institute, showcasing MIT initiatives as well  
as the diversity and creativity of the MIT community, through daily  
changing spotlights, news and events. Contact Susan to discuss how to  
best promote new initiatives on the MIT home page.

David Conlon, the third member of the Home Page Team, began a new  
role in November with the IS&T Departmental Consulting and  
Application Development (DCAD) team, consulting with MIT clients on  
effective use of the web for their communications projects. Brian  
Keller, who has been providing web publishing services for both the  
Home Page Team and the News Office, will continue his role supporting  
both offices and fulfilling the responsibilities of this position.

Please join me in wishing both Suzana and David the very best in  
their new positions at MIT, and in extending a warm welcome to Susan  
and Brian as they begin a new chapter with the News Office.



Pamela Dumas Serfes
Executive Director,
News and Communications
MIT News Office
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Room 11-400
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Office 617.253.2703
Fax    617.258.8762

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