[Editors] images of x-rays or MRI's

Lisa Damtoft damtoft at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 27 18:20:12 EST 2008

Hi Judy,

We often refer to Wikimedia Commons (http://commons.wikimedia.org/ 
wiki/Main_Page, search box in left column) and stock.xchng (http:// 
www.sxc.hu/). Check the rights and licenses carefully, but generally  
you can find free images you can use there. (There's also a cost- 
based service on stock.xchng, which is pretty reasonable.)


Lisa Damtoft
Web Editor and Developer
MIT News Office
Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

On Feb 27, 2008, at 5:02 PM, Judy Daniels wrote:

> Hello All!
> We're doing a story in the next PLAN about a grant that Frank Levy
> received to do research on the costs associated with medical imaging.
> I would like to use an x-ray or an MRI  to illustrate the story. Would
> any of you have one kicking around that I could scan to use for the
> article? I'm trying to avoid paying a stock agency for one so I
> thought I'd give the editors club a try.
> Thanks!
> Judy Daniels
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