[Editors] 2/20 webinar: design & human behavior

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 12 11:27:00 EST 2008

To: Information Group, Editors' Club, Communications Workshop list

The Publishing Services Bureau and IS&T's Web Publishers user group  
(aka WebPub) invite you to a webinar on Mental Models: Getting Into  
Your Customer's Head. The webinar is sponsored by User Interface  

Date: Wednesday, February 20
Time: 1-2:30 p.m.
Location: N42 Demo Center
No RSVP required

In this 90-minute presentation, Indi Young, one of the premier user  
experience designers in the world, will introduce you to the concept  
of mental models, a method for modeling the attention flow of your  
users. Mental models give design teams a solid method for matching  
functionality and features to the user's motivations, thought  
processes, emotions, and philosophies.

When it comes to your users, do you really know what they want? Is  
your team struggling to agree on a common design because everyone has  
a different opinion about what's right? Are you unsure how to  
organize your site or product to match user expectations?

In this presentation, Indi Young will discuss:

- How mental models represent the whole user experience.
- How to develop mental models that represent the true roots of your  
users' behavior.
- How you will discover things about your customers you never thought  
to ask.
- Common mistakes to avoid when building mental models.

For the full webinar details, visit http://www.uie.com/events/ 
Note: We've taken care of registration for the N42 location.

Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of  
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for  
their departments, labs or centers. Any member of the MIT community  
may join this mail list. The workshops are sponsored by Publishing  
Services Bureau and are created and offered by MIT staff. In  
addition, we host several presentations and webinars each year that  
are offered by external groups.

Visit the workshops website to access presentation materials and  

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