[Editors] 3/26 green design seminar save the date

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 7 15:08:58 EST 2008

To: Information Group, Editors' Club, Communications Workshop list

Dear colleagues,

The MIT Publishing Services Bureau invites you to save the date for  
“A Vertable Feast” of information on how to think, act and design  
green. The day-long seminar will offer tips on how to consider  
environmental choices when planning and executing your communications  

Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Speakers include:
Don Carli, Institute for Sustainable Communication
Lora Gunsallus, local printer RR Donnelley
Laxmi Rao, IT energy coordinator, MIT IS&T
Aaris Sherin, assistant professor of graphic design at St. John’s  
University and author of SustainAble: A Handbook of Materials and  
Applications for Graphic Designers and Their Clients
Melissa Stevens, Mohawk Fine Papers

An invitation with full program details and information on how to  
register will follow soon. We look forward to exploring with you ways  
for MIT communicators to respond to the call to be green.

Best regards,


Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of  
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for  
their departments, labs or centers. Any member of the MIT community  
may join this mail list. The workshops are sponsored by Publishing  
Services Bureau and are created and offered by MIT staff. In  
addition, we host several presentations and webinars each year that  
are offered by external groups.

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