[Editors] 5/15 webinar invitation, focus groups & mkt strategy

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 30 09:44:44 EDT 2008

Dear colleagues,

The MIT Publishing Services Bureau invites you to join us at a  
webinar called Utilizing In-Depth Interviews and Focus Groups to  
Advance Your Branding and Marketing Strategies, presented by the  
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The webinar  
will cover how to use focus groups and interviews to collect insights  
on your key audiences and stakeholders in order to enhance your  
branding and marketing strategies.

Utilizing In-Depth Interviews and Focus Groups to Advance Your  
Branding and Marketing Strategies
Thursday, May 15, 2008
2-3:30 p.m.
Building N42, Demo Center
No registration required.

Attendees will join us in the room we've reserved to access the audio/ 
web connection. For full details, visit: http://www.case.org/ 

If you have any questions, please contact Bara Blender at  
bblender at mit.edu.

We hope to see you there.


Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of  
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for  
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may join this mail list. The workshops are sponsored by Publishing  
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addition, we host several presentations and webinars each year that  
are offered by external groups.

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