[Editors] A Hard Road/Row to Hoe

Robyn Fizz fizz at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 16 15:27:24 EDT 2007

For those of you at today's meeting, a bit more on the "row to hoe" 
vs "road to hoe" question.

Looks like "A Hard Road" was used in the 1840 presidential campaign.

Then again, Davy Crockett seems to have coined "Hard Row" five years 
before that:

"In 1835, David Crockett is quoted as saying "I never opposed Andrew 
Jackson for the sake of popularity. I knew it was a hard row to hoe; 
but I stood up to the rack."

What rack? Not sure, but according to Bartlett's Dictionary of 
Americanisms (http://www.merrycoz.org/voices/bartlett/AMER12.HTM):

TO STAND UP TO THE RACK. A metaphorical expression of the same 
meaning as the like choice phrases, 'to come to the scratch;' 'to toe 
the mark.'

To conclude, by way of James Fenimore Cooper 
(http://www.fullbooks.com/Oak-Openings6.html): "The English used to 
boast that the Americans wouldn't 'stand up to the rack,' if the 
baggonet was set to work; 'but this was before we got our own 
toothpicks,' said the old man.

I don't know about you, but I've got my own toothpick. And I'm using 
it to hoe my row/road.



Robyn Fizz
News Coordinator
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
Phone:  617 253-0540
Fax:  617 258-6875
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