[Editors] Great response to freelance request

William Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 9 16:00:02 EDT 2007

Kim - are the responses something that would be appropriate to share  
as a list? I know a number of us like to keep names on file.

On Oct 9, 2007, at 3:40 PM, Kim Schive wrote:

> This list is a great resource. I got a terrific response to the  
> freelance request I posted earlier today (below). I'm going to  
> start looking at the responses and will get in touch with people  
> tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who helped get the word out.
> -Kim
> --------------------------------------------------
> I'm looking for a local freelancer who can interview several new  
> MIT Medical clinicians by phone, and then write a short profile of  
> each. Profiles will be published in MIT Medical's online  
> newsletter, health at mit. Examples can be seen at http://web.mit.edu/ 
> medical/mithealth/summer2007/newstaff/
> Please pass this request along to any freelancers who might enjoy  
> taking on this assignment. Interested writers can contact me  
> directly by email (schk at med.mit.edu).
> Thanks!
> -Kim Schive
> Communications coordinator, MIT Medical
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William Litant
Communications Director
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction  
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu

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