[Editors] question

Amy MacMillan amy_mac at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 1 11:28:32 EDT 2007



Please help me settle a disagreement with my younger sister, who works for a
newspaper. She claims that it is OK to write that someone has "checked into"
a hospital or a rehab center, e.g. "Lindsay Lohan just checked herself into


I think it's more accurate to write: "Lindsay Lohan was admitted to rehab."
It's my understanding that you cannot "check yourself into" a hospital like
it's a hotel, although it may be voluntary.


What is the correct terminology? Does anyone know?


Thanks, Amy



Amy MacMillan

Editorial Assistant

Sloan Educational Services


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sloan School of Management


50 Memorial Drive

Cambridge, MA 02142-1347


Tel: 617.452.2089

Fax: 617.258.9181



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