[Editors] Eureka! moments, stories

Sarah H. Wright shwright at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 5 14:50:15 EST 2007


The News Office is looking for people at MIT who have experienced 
surprises or  turning points-aha! moments, for lack of a better 
term-that have given rise to major research advances.

Sometimes, these innovations stem from the familiar Eureka! flash. 
Sometimes they occur in a cross-disciplinary settings, when 
individuals play off their different backgrounds to produce 
breakthroughs. And sometimes they occur on a journey away from 
academic life altogether.

These moments happen all the time on our campus. We hope you can help 
us tell these stories by suggesting names of MIT people who have had 
experiences that sent their research in whole new directions or 
inspired them to rearrange, re-prioritize or even completely revise 
their approach to problems in-or across-their fields.

Thanks in advance!


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