[Editors] campus-wide media

Susan Macphee smacphee at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 1 15:08:10 EDT 2007

Hi Scott, There was very helpful IAP class last January that taught us most
campus-wide communication outlets (listed below). Joe Cohen from the
Information Center is a very good resource to find out more about these. 


Also, the plasma screens on campus such as the one in the Stata Center are
run by a student organization. But I can't seem to find them in a Google
search today. 


Good luck! 



Learn How to Promote Your Campus Events! 
Joe Coen, Lee Corbett, Susan Curran, David Conlon 
Thu Jan 11, Thu Jan 25, 11am-12:00pm, Coffee House, W20, Refreshments

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up 
Single session event 
Prereq: None 

Come and learn about the many resources available on campus to promote and
advertise your events:

Posting an event on the MIT Events Calendar
Lobby 7 Kiosk Display Spaces
Bosworth's LED Sign
Infinite Corridor Projection
Infinite Corridor Display Cases
Copy Technology sign and poster services
Tips on sign design and placement.
Advertise in the Infinite Corridor 
Contact: Joe Coen, 7-121, x3-5734, jcoen at mit.edu 
Cosponsor: Information Services and Technology





From: editors-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:editors-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of
Scott Campbell
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 2:33 PM
To: editors at MIT.EDU
Subject: [Editors] campus-wide media


Esteemed colleagues,

The question has come up here: what sorts of campus-wide communications
media are available to us? Things like plasma screens, variable message
signs, closed-circuit TV listings, etc.? We have our own avenues, but we're
wondering what else we might tap into. Any suggestions?

Scott Campbell
Director of Communications
MIT School of Architecture + Planning

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