[Editors] video contest /P.S. to Editors Group minutes

Catherine Avril cavril at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 30 09:43:54 EDT 2007

Dear Editors,

At the last Editors group, I talked about a video contest for MIT 
students that's seeking content.  In part, it's a test of MIT TechTV 
(beta), an aggregator and distributor of video content for the MIT 
community (think YouTube), sponsored by the School of Engineering in 
partnership with Academic Media Production Services.  Read more about 
it here http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/techtv-0411.html

If you would be willing to spread the word about the contest to 
students, I'd be grateful to have you forward the email below to any 
lists you have.  Thank you!

-- Catherine

Catherine Avril, Director of Communications
MIT School of Engineering  http://mit.edu/engineering/
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 1-211
Cambridge, MA  02139  USA
tel: 617.253.9411   fax: 617.253.8549
Engineering Our World  http://web.mit.edu/engineering/enews/

                          -= TECH VIDEO SHOWCASE =-

              Got Video? Upload Video. Get Food. Win Prizes!

Submit short online videos that illustrate what you love about 
engineering and science for the opportunity to win cash prizes (up to 
$1000), show videos and test out MIT TechTV, a beta YouTube-like 
offering for the MIT community.  Cell phone videos welcome, too.

This contest is open to all MIT students. Uploads run to midnight May 
14th, with the awards on May 17th.  First 100 registered entrants to 
upload a video to the contest get a coupon for Anna's Taqueria or 
Dunkin' Donuts.  SIGN UP NOW!


(Sponsored by MIT School of Engineering, in partnership with Academic Media
Production Services.)
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