[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, April '07
Elizabeth Thomson
thomson at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 26 12:32:38 EDT 2007
*Meeting Notes from April 19, 2007*
*Virginia Tech*
This meeting began on a somber note as the Virginia Tech shootings
had happened only a few days earlier. People were distressed. What
would MIT do in such a situation?
Although none of us could speak professionally about preparing for
such a calamity, a few of us had heard a short talk just the day
before, at another meeting, by Bill Van Schalkwyk, managing director
of MIT's Environment, Health, and Safety Programs.
Suffice it to say that all of us who'd heard Bill thought him quite
impressive, and certainly felt in good hands should some calamity
ever hit MIT.
Susan Curran (you know, the Spotlight Lady!) reported that, in
essence, Bill said that the emergency you plan for is never the
emergency you get, so the process of general planning in advance is
really most important. To that end, he stressed the importance of
working with key people, and getting to know them well in advance.
So, for example, he has close ties to MIT's Chief of Police, John
DeFarva, among other key people....
*Tech Hack*
To relieve the tone, someone brought up the CalTech hack of The Tech
on....Friday, April 13.
Here are some highlights:
Under "The Weather" on the front page:
Today: Cold
Tonight: Colder
Tomorrow: I wish I were in California.
Page 1 Headlines:
"Infinite Corridor Not Actually Infinite"
"Architects Deem Campus "Unfortunate"
---continued on p. 8 under "eyesore," with the subhead "MIT buildings
drive down property values" and a photo of Simmons Hall.
On the World & Nation page:
"Indiana Declares War on Illinois"
Math Dept. Hires Rising Star
(photo of Matt Damon, with caption "New math professor Matt Damon
enthusiastically accepts post.")
Men's Basketball Suffers Loss to Wellesley
Women's water polo canceled after pool freezes over
*Tech TV*
Catherine Avril, communications director for the School of
Engineering, shared with us a cool new program: MIT Tech TV. It's a
web-based video service designed to make it easier to post, host, and
find video content related to MIT.
The idea is that anyone with an mit.edu e-mail address can upload
videos to the site. For more info, go to
http://techtv.mit.edu/about/. The beta version is now up, so you can
test it. You can also vote on the videos that are posted by MIT
students----a contest is currently underway to pick the best.
*Next Meetings*
The next meetings of MIT Editors' Club will be as follows. All
meetings are in the News Office, 11-400, from 12-1.
Monday, May 21
Friday, June 22
Elizabeth A. Thomson
Senior Science and Engineering Editor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>
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