[Editors] Latin question

William T G Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 25 11:44:58 EDT 2007

Does anyone out there have an expertise in Latin? (Mine is limited to 
the Pig dialect.) Qestion:

As you (better) know, the MIT motto is "Mens et Manus." For an 
article I'm wiritng, I want to add "and heart." Is it correct to say 
"Mens et Manus et Pectus"? My brother, the scholar, thinks it may be 
"Mens et Manus et Pectus Pectoris," but advises me to seek 
professional help (which the whole family has been urging me to do 
for years).

Can anyone assist?


William T.G. Litant
Communications Director
Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
The Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu
(617) 253-1564

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