[Editors] Seeking technical editor and graphics assistance for book

Andrea Cohen alcohen at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 29 15:05:12 EDT 2006

Dear All,

I'd appreciate your suggestions for anyone who might be able to help 
us with the following:

1. A technical editor to work on an ocean engineering book. In 
particular, the book deals with marine structures, loads and 
probabilities. The ideal candidate would be familiar with some some 
aspects of this material. Otherwise, just a really good technical 
editor might fit the bill.

2. A graphics person to assist with diagrams for this book. This 
person would use LaTex graphics or some similar program.

Many thanks for your feedback.


Andrea Cohen, Communications Manager             617.253.3461    (phone)
MIT Sea Grant College Program                 	        617.252.1615 
Bldg. NE20-378, 3 Cambridge Center       	           alcohen at mit.edu
77 Massachusetts Avenue 
Cambridge, MA  02139

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