[Editors] A request to listen to MIT news podcasts

David Cameron cameron at wi.mit.edu
Thu Sep 21 17:36:10 EDT 2006

Great idea!

One suggestion: Rather than have the same person read each of the news items, perhaps you should go back and forth, ideally between a male and female speaker. I think that would help keep the listener engaged. 

If you *really* want to jazz things up, perhaps future podcasts can be a dialogue, a sort of NPRish discussion where one person takes the role of announcer and the other takes the role of the "embedded reporter". Obviously, that sort of format takes more time and effort, but from my own perspective, it would also make me far more likely to download each new episode onto my iPod and listen intently as I run for the bus each morning. 


David Cameron | Media Relations Manager 
Associate Editor, Paradigm magazine
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Five Cambridge Center | Cambridge, MA 02142-1479
Phone: (617) 324-0460 | Cell: (781) 866-9231
Fax: (617) 258-8848

"It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties." -- Alfred North Whitehead (no relation)

-----Original Message-----
From: editors-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:editors-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf Of Roger Donaghy (by way of Elizabeth Thomson)
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:14 PM
To: editors at mit.edu
Subject: [Editors] A request to listen to MIT news podcasts

Hi Everybody,

I'm distributing this on behalf of my colleagues Roger Donaghy and
Lisa Damtoft.



Dear Editors,

The News Office has been developing weekly audio podcasts of our top
headlines. We hope to offer these soon to a wide audience.

We'd like to invite you to have a listen to our most recent attempts.
These aren't public yet, and we'd love to hear your feedback before
putting them out there. All comments and reactions, positive or
negative, would be helpful, including whether you think such a thing
would be useful for you or your office.

Each one is about 5 minutes long.

Here's the RSS feed if you're familiar with subscribing to podcasts in iTunes.


Or, you can listen to the separate audio files, which you should be
able to listen to directly by using the links below. If they are not
clickable, you can paste a URL into your web browser.


Please respond to Roger Donaghy if you have any trouble listening to
them, and you can respond to him with your comments, too.

Roger Donaghy
Lisa Damtoft

Roger Donaghy
MIT News Office
617 253 1683
rdonaghy at mit.edu
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