[Editors] Communications Workshops invitation, 10/24 & 11/8

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 5 15:32:47 EDT 2006

To: Communications Workshop list members, Information Group, Editors 
List, Administrative and Financial Officers

Dear colleagues,

The MIT Publishing Services Bureau is pleased to offer two related 
seminars on surveys, a topic we've found is of increasing interest to 
MIT communications staff. Please forward this invitation to MIT 
colleagues who may be interested.

The first offering is an audio/web seminar on October 24, presented 
by Academic Impressions. It will cover best practices in survey 
design, address questions about distribution, and offer tips about 
response management and tracking. Attendees would join us in the 
conference room we've reserved to access the audio/web connection.

The second seminar, on November 8, will feature a presentation by 
staff from MIT's Institutional Research Office and Information 
Services & Technology on planning and developing effective surveys 
within the MIT context. It will also cover the types of survey data 
and resources available for use by the MIT community, survey methods, 
the best times to survey, analyzing response rates, and working with 
outside survey vendors. Staff from the Alumni Association and 
Libraries will discuss their recent surveys and share how they've 
used the results to help shape their communications efforts.

Effective web surveys (audio/web seminar)
Tuesday, October 24
1-2:30 p.m.
Location to be provided with registration confirmation
RSVP by October 19

Maximizing survey results (presented by MIT staff)
Wednesday, November 8
Student Center, Building W20-407; seating is limited
10 a.m.-12 p.m., with lunch to follow
RSVP by November 3

RSVP online for these free seminars at 
or email <mailto:rsvpcommworkshops at mit.edu>rsvpcommworkshops at mit.edu. 
Please include the following:
MIT department
Phone number
Whether you will join us for lunch on November 8

Quentin Alexander will email you to confirm your enrollment in one or 
both seminars. If you have specific questions, email Bara Blender at 
<mailto:bblender at mit.edu>bblender at mit.edu.

We hope to see you there.


Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office	617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of 
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for 
their departments, labs or centers. Any member of the MIT community 
may join this mail list. The workshops are sponsored by Publishing 
Services Bureau and are created and offered by MIT staff. In 
addition, we host several seminars and workshops each year that are 
offered by external groups, including web and audio seminars.

Visit the workshops website to access presentation materials and handouts:

To subscribe or unsubscribe from the workshops mail list, go to:
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