[Editors] Inquiry from Reporter: Big Story

Patti Richards prichards at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 9 20:22:08 EST 2006

All: A reporter at Dow Jones called me earlier today with a rather 
amorphous request, but one that could lead to a major story: He's a 
business/tech reporter, and he's looking to write something on a new 
MIT development, product, service, etc.; something that hasn't 
already been written about extensively, and that's cool and cutting 
edge. Note that his focus is less on science and more on technology.

If anything comes to mind, most grateful if you could email me by 5PM 
tomorrow with a sentence or two about the research and why it's 
newsworthy, and I'll do my best to pitch.

Many thanks for any leads. --Patti Richards

Patti Richards
Senior Communications Officer
MIT News Office
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., Rm. 11-400
Cambridge, MA 02139

t. 617.253.8923
f. 617.258.8762
prichards at mit.edu

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