[Editors] tape recorder failure

Debbie Levey levey at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 16 12:29:50 EDT 2006

	After an hour-long tape recorded interview with two people, I 
have just discovered that the tape is almost completely useless. 
(Panic!!) Listening at maximum volume, I can occasionally pick up 
words from one of the people but can't hear the second guy at all. I 
must have recorded at the wrong setting (lecture/meeting/dictation) 
since I'm not used to this particular tape recorder.  Is there 
anything I can do to enhance what little is on the tape recorder? I 
will apologize profusely and ask the more approachable of the 
subjects if he could give me a few more details, but there is no 
chance that the completely inaudible person will consent to another 
interview, as he already thinks I am a complete idiot.


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