[Editors] Expert in liquid explosives

News Office pfoley at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 10 13:03:37 EDT 2006

Hi all,

We've gotten a lot of calls from the press today in response to the 
Heathrow terrorist threat.  See:

Folks are looking for an expert who can talk about liquid explosives.  
We've contacted Anne Hudson in Chemistry, and she recommended Jeffrey 
Steinfeld, but he's not available to talk on the subject.  Regardless, 
thank you Anne for the suggestion.  Does anyone have additional 
suggestions?  If so, please send them along to our summer intern - 
Courtney Davis at:  cldavis at mit.edu.  And, thank you.

Patti Foley
Administrative Assistant
MIT News Office, 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307

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