[Editors] Seeking testers for a redesigned web site

Alice Waugh awaugh at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 3 15:38:36 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm hoping a few of you could help out -- and get some yummy food! --  
by doing "usability testing" on the new SFS web site in progress.  
We're especially interested in getting parents of prospective,  
current or former college students (though of course they have to be  
on or near campus) and students themselves. If you know of anyone who  
might be interested, please pass this along. Thanks!

Alice Waugh
Communications Officer
MIT Student Financial Services
Room 11-120
awaugh at mit.edu


Test our site and get free food!

Student Financial Services is in the process of overhauling our web  
site (http://web.mit.edu/sfs). We need people including students,  
parents and other potential users of the site to test a prototype  
while being observed by staff in IS&T (Building N42) for about an  
hour any time on August 16 or 17. To compensate you for your help,  
you'll get a $10 gift certificate to Anna's Taqueria or Toscanini's.  
All you have to do is try to find certain information on the  
prototype of the new web site and think out loud so we can find out  
what works well and what might be unclear. If you're interested,  
please contact SFS Communications Officer Alice Waugh at  
awaugh at mit.edu or call 617-253-3850.

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