[Editors] Seminar invitation: blogs, wikis , RSS, Podcasts

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 19 17:04:37 EDT 2005

To: Communications Workshop list, Information Group, Editors Group

Dear colleagues,

The MIT Publishing Services Bureau will sponsor an online/audio seminar called:
Four Technologies That Will Transform PR:
The Strategic Use of Blogs, Wikis, RSS, and Podcasts

The seminar is being offered by CASE, the Council for Advancement and 
Support of Education. Attendees will be able to listen to the 
presenter, ask questions, and interact with participants at other 
colleges and universities.

Please join us:
Thursday, October 27, 2005
2-4:00 p.m.
Location to be provided with confirmation; seating is limited to 35 attendees.

RSVP by October 25 to Quentin Alexander, <mailto:qla at mit.edu>qla at mit.edu.
Include your name, department, email and telephone number. We will 
send a confirming email back to you.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.


Monica Lee

Seminar description:
The new technologies of the "Social Web" are enabling communications 
and marketing professionals to engage with key constituencies as 
never before. Four senior PR practitioners -- Dan Forbush, president 
of ProfNet; Joseph Hice, Jr., associate vice president of marketing 
and public relations at the University of Florida; David Jarmul, 
associate vice president of news and communications at Duke 
University; and Charlie Melichar, vice president of PR & 
communications at Colgate University -- discuss new-media strategies 
as they apply to blogs, wikis, RSS, and podcasts.

Find out why you should make these new community-building tools an 
integral part of your communications program and learn how to 
implement them.

Attendees will:
- Review the strategic implications of "Social Web" technologies.
- Learn how blogs, wikis, RSS, and podcasts function and how to get 
started in them.

Find out how your colleagues in academic communications are putting 
these new tools to work.

Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office	617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of 
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for 
their departments, labs or centers. Any member of the MIT community 
may join this mail list. The Communication Workshops are sponsored by 
the department of Public Relations Services and are created and 
offered by MIT staff. In addition, we host several seminars and 
workshops each year that are offered by external groups, including 
web and audio seminars, and seminars taught on site at MIT.

To join the Communications Workshop mail list, go to:

If you do not wish to receive announcements regarding upcoming 
communications workshops and seminars, you may unsubscribe by 
emailing Cheryl Slowik at <mailto:cslowik at mit.edu>cslowik at mit.edu.

Visit the workshops website to access presentation materials and 
handouts from the workshops created by MIT staff, as well as links to 
related sites. Previous workshops have provided strategies for 
working with the news media, tools for developing effective messages, 
and tips for managing the publication process.
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