[Editors] Fwd: TALENTE 2006 - international competition - call for applications
Patricia Foley
pfoley at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 9 11:53:41 EST 2005
Dear editors,
This email/call for applications for an
international competition came into us in the
News Office. Please feel free to forward it
along to anyone that you think might be
interested in applying. Note that the
application deadline is November 30th and that
applicants must be under the age of 35.
(Please respond and inquire directly to Dr. Titus Kockel)
Patti Foley
Administrative Assistant
MIT News Office, 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Subject: TALENTE 2006 - international competition - call for applications
>Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 16:35:28 +0100
>Thread-Topic: TALENTE 2006 - international competition - call for applications
>Thread-Index: AcXhRVdg3pUqb4y4SM6Pb2x6Ap77Iw==
>From: "Kockel Titus" <titus.kockel at hwk-muenchen.de>
>To: <newsoffice at mit.edu>
>X-Spam-Score: 1.915
>X-Spam-Level: * (1.915)
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>Dear Sir / Madam,
>Ingrid Dudek of Lemelson-MIT Project suggested to contact you.
>Please find below a call for applications for
>TALENTE 2006 (also see attachment).
>TALENTE is an international competition to
>promote technical excellence in the non-academic
>It is organised by the public German trades
>organisation and funded by the German and
>Bavarian governments.
>We are particularly looking for candidates who
>work in the field of equipment and instrument
>development for scientific research institutions
>and universities.
>Do you think you can publish this call for applications on the MIT homepage?
>Do you think you can put forward names for our competition from the MIT?
>If you have any question, please do not hesitate to let me know.
>Thank you very much in advance and kind regards
>Titus Kockel
>Dr. Titus Kockel
>Messen und Ausstellungen
>Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern
>Postfach 34 01 38
>80098 München
>T +49/ 89/ 5119 - 293
>F +49/ 89/ 5119 - 245
>kockel at hwk-muenchen.de
> TALENTE - Outstanding technical objects - Call for applications
> International competition to be presented
> on the International Trades Fair Munich (IHM), 16 - 22 March 2006
> Closing date for applications: 30 November 2005
> The German trades organisation invites
>outstanding technicians world wide to present
>their hand-built objects in an international
>competition. Candidates need to be under 35
>years of age. Teams with scientists or engineers
>are welcome.
> The objects should be outstanding
>innovations in their field. They will be
>presented in the exhibition TALENTE 2006 in
>Munich/ Germany as a special show on the
>International Trade Fair for Small and Medium
>Sized Enterprises (IHM) from 16 - 22 March 2006.
>In an area of 600 m", the works will be
>presented to a wide audience, with an
>international jury selecting the winners of the
>TALENTE prize. A catalogue will appear in
>print. Shipment of the objects is free.
> The competition is funded by both the
>Federal German and the Bavarian State
> Fur further information and application documents please contact:
> Dr. Titus Kockel
> Handwerkskammer für München und
>Oberbayern · Max-Joseph-Straße 4 · 80333
>München · Germany
> T +49 89 5119-293 ·F +49 89 5119-245 · titus.kockel at hwk-muenchen.de
> <<Call for applications 2006 tech.pdf>>
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> name="Call for applications 2006 tech.pdf"
>Content-Description: Call for applications 2006 tech.pdf
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="Call for applications 2006 tech.pdf"
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