[Editors] Oct. Editors' Club Minutes
Elizabeth Thomson
thomson at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 2 16:04:19 EST 2005
*Meeting Notes from October 18, 2005*
October was one busy month, as witnessed by the belated nature of
these minutes. I'm glad I took notes at this past meeting, as
otherwise I doubt I'd remember one wit of the exchange (except for
Debbie Levey's show-n-tell of 66 feet of chain for surveying--but
more on that later). Below are some highlights.
*Got Energy?*
MIT's newly formed Energy Research Council is keeping fellow-Editor
Nancy Stauffer rather busy these days.....Among other things Nancy,
of the Lab for Energy and the Environment, reports that the council
will soon have a new web site. It will include a timeline of key MIT
energy achievements from 1880 till now, plus stories about continuing
energy research at MIT.
If you have a story related to energy research in your area, drop
Nancy a line. She's always looking for story ideas, since the new
site will include short features on ongoing MIT energy research. If
you actually send her a completed piece she'll bake you cookies :)
Another key part of the ERC site: an education section that will
include a searchable list of energy-related courses. If you have
other ideas for items that should be included in this section, send
Nancy a note at stauffer at mit.edu For example, someone at this
meeting asked if there are any MIT K-12 educational outreach
activities involving energy.
*The Scoop on the Nobels*
A very kind fellow Editor sent me an e-mail the morning of Professor
Schrock's Nobel Prize saying how amazed she was that I had a story on
the News Office web site only an hour or so after the announcement.
Although I'd love to think that I could indeed cobble together such a
piece on such short notice, I must set the record straight. The fact
is, and I talked about this a bit at this meeting, there is a great
deal of advance planning by the News Office before the Nobels are
ever announced. And in this case, my colleague Lisa Damtoft simply
had to add "Schrock wins Nobel" to his bio, which I'd written a few
weeks earlier "just in case," and popped it on the web from her home
Everyone in the News Office is involved in preparing for the Nobels.
In fact, a month or so before Nobel week I distribute a LONG memo to
the staff listing everything that each person should do in advance
and the day of the announcement (if we do indeed win).
In addition to preparing bios on folks whose work is of Nobel
quality, for example, we also actually book a room for any potential
press conference!
That said, nothing ever goes completely flawlessly, and we always
learn from the experience. Here's an example from this year: while
posting signs for the press conference, which was in building 6, my
colleague Myles Crowley realized that the ruckus from construction
below the room might interfere with the festivities. What to do? He
called Facilities, of course, and asked them to delay operations for
an hour or so.....Thanks Myles!
*Science Writing Books*
By now some 25 of you should have received your copies of A Field
Guide For Science Writers, the book I told ya'll about a few months
ago. I ordered several extra copies, so anyone who'd still like one
can simply send me a note at thomson at mit.edu PLUS an account number
to bill for the $16 cost of the book.
*Debbie's Show-n-Tell*
Debbie Levey, editor of the newsletter for the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, receives regular correspondence from
department alumni. Occasionally she also gets packages. Last month
she received 66 feet of chain for surveying (complete with spider
webs) along with 100 feet of steel tape (complete with a gorgeous
metal handle to wind it back up). Once she also received a crate of
grapefruit from a reader in Florida.....
*Next Meeting*
The next meeting of MIT Editors' Club is Thursday, December 17, in
the News Office (11-400). As always, feel free to bring a lunch.
Elizabeth A. Thomson
Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>
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