[Editors] re: web portals that linking research in different departments

Andrea Cohen alcohen at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 18 11:26:46 EST 2005

Dear All,

We are currently creating a web site, tentatively titled "Oceans at 
MIT," which will provide links/information about marine-related 
research in the various departments/labs at MIT. I am wondering if 
other folks have already created such sites so that we might consider 
those examples as we design our site.



   Andrea Cohen, Communications Manager
   MIT Sea Grant College Program               phone: 617-253-3461
   Bldg. NE20-378, 3 Cambridge Center       fax:   617-252-1615
   77 Massachusetts Avenue       	           email: alcohen at mit.edu
   Cambridge, MA  02139                             http://web.mit.edu/seagrant

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