[Editors] Parade Magazine: What people earn

Patti Richards prichards at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 26 15:37:21 EST 2005

All: I just received a request from Parade magazine; they are looking 
for someone in Massachusetts to profile in their annual "What People 
Earn" issue. They are looking for a man (not sure they realize how 
sensitive this topic is this week! I guess they have their reasons) 
and it should be someone from Massachusetts, so spread the word to 
all your non-MIT friends. I would imagine that the quirkier the job 
is, the better.

If you have ideas, please be in touch with the reporter directly -- 
see below. No need to contact me. Many thanks. --Patti Richards, MIT 
News Office


Ranjani Gopalarathinam
Parade Magazine
Phone: (212) 929-2700
Fax: (212) 929-5555
Web: http://www.parade.com

Every March, Parade Magazine puts out their "What People Earn" issue, which
surveys how much Americans earned the previous year. It is their most
popular issue, because it highlights a diverse range of incomes,
professions, and people, all across the country.

Participants' full name, occupation, salary, city/state they live in, and
photograph will be published. Parade is a supplement in the Sunday edition
of many newspapers across the country, so this is a great opportunity to be
a part of a service-oriented article about our economy, as well as have your
photo published in a magazine!

The article will be published in March 2005. I'm looking for someone ASAP.

You can contact me at: (212) 929-2700, or e-mail me at parade1 at jtp-nyc.com,
at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your time!
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