[Editors] Seeking speaker to discuss communications

Andrea Cohen alcohen at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 20 11:49:58 EST 2005

Dear All,

Planners for a national Sea Grant meeting (June 2005, Maine) are 
seeking a speaker (preferably a woman from New England), to address 
the topic, "Speaking in Tongues: Cutting-edge Communications Tools."

Ideal person would be someone in the communications field who could 
discuss changes in communications in past 10 years, talk about future 
trends, and present some ideas about better ways to communicate (i.e. 
do our job).

If you have any suggestions for an inspiring speaker, I'd appreciate 
your passing info along to me.



   Andrea Cohen, Communications Manager
   MIT Sea Grant College Program               phone: 617-253-3461
   Bldg. NE20-378, 3 Cambridge Center       fax:   617-252-1615
   77 Massachusetts Avenue       	           email: alcohen at mit.edu
   Cambridge, MA  02139                             http://web.mit.edu/seagrant

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