[Editors] Lemelson-MIT Student Prize press conference

Melissa Makofske melm at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 10 11:09:25 EST 2005

Dear Editors:

It is our pleasure to invite you to the eleventh annual presentation 
of the $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for Inventiveness.

Wednesday, February 16, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Twenty Chimneys, Third Floor, MIT Stratton Student Center (W20)
84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

2005 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize Winner to be announced.

The Lemelson-MIT Program for invention and innovation will award a 
$30,000 prize to an outstanding MIT Student inventor.
(Refreshments will be available)

Presenters include Mrs. Dorothy Lemelson, Chair of the Lemelson 
Foundation; Thomas Magnanti, Dean of MIT's School of Engineering; and 
Merton Flemings, Director of the Lemelson-MIT Program.

To celebrate MIT student talent!

For directions and parking information, please contact Marissa 
Wozniak at marissaw at mit.edu or 617-253-3352. If you can not attend, 
but would like a press kit, please contact Kristin Joyce at 
kjoyce at mit.edu or Melissa Makofske at melm at mit.edu.

We hope to see you there!

Melissa Makofske, Communications Coordinator
The Lemelson-MIT Program
MIT School of Engineering
77 Mass. Ave., E60-216
Cambridge, MA 02139

phone: 	(617) 452-2170
fax:	(617) 258-8276

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