[Editors] "A Field Guide for Science Writers" -- new edition now available

Elizabeth Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 23 10:00:42 EDT 2005

Hi  Everybody,

I am super excited: a new edition of the "bible" for science writers 
is now out. This wonderful book, last updated in 1997, is a fantastic 
reference for anyone interested in this field. It includes chapters 
on science writing for universities, and on science writing for small 
labs and museums. My own copy is woefully dog-eared.....

Here's the scoop: I'm compiling a bulk order through the News Office. 
If YOU would like a copy, please send me a personal check for $16 
(made out to MIT) OR a "cost center number" that that amount can be 
billed to.

Deadline for placing an order through me is Tuesday, August 6.  I'll 
order a few extras since many folks are on vacation.



Elizabeth A. Thomson
Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>


>I am delighted to announce to you the publication of the new edition 
>of A FIELD GUIDE FOR SCIENCE WRITERS -- our official guide book.
>The new field guide is truly improved, even better than the terrific 
>one that came out in 1997. The second edition offers:
>- a broader range of topics;
>- a new slate of (NASW) writers -- some of the leaders in our profession; and
>- an exploration of the most stimulating and challenging issues in 
>science today.
>It also covers a diverse array of writing styles, from "gee-whiz" to 
>Boxes of the book will soon be shipped to Diane McGurgan, our 
>executive director. You can now buy copies at a reduced rate by 
>sending Diane traditional mail. (DO NOT SEND E-MAIL; DIANE CANNOT 
>ACCEPT THAT). The address is NASW, P.O. Box 890, Hedgesville, WV 
>25427. Make sure you include a check for $15 per copy. Or, if you 
>prefer, you can send either your Visa or Mastercard (no other credit 
>card service) number, expiration date, and 3-digit security code 
>found on the back of your card. Because Visa and Mastercard charge 
>NASW for each usage, the cost by credit card has to be $16.
>Also, be SURE to send Diane the name and mailing address to where 
>she should send the field guide(s). Then the copy -- or multiple 
>copies, as you wish -- will go out as soon as Diane receives those 
>(I'm joining in the charge to order: Diane, I want a copy. I'll now 
>send you a check for fifteen bucks and give you my address.)
>I can't end this announcement without thanking everyone who has 
>worked so hard and so well on the new edition. We are extremely 
>grateful for your significant help, both to our organization and the 
>advancement of accurate, top-quality science writing. The new field 
>guide should be of great value for all of us.
>Laura van Dam
>President, National Association of Science Writers
>NASW-Announce mailing list
>NASW-Announce at nasw.org
>To manage your subscription or unsubscribe: 


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